3 roads undergo repair, named one-way streets

19/03/2010 08:58

Gov. Ramos Avenue in Sta. Maria, Don Alfaro Street in Tetuan and Cabato Road also in Tetuan are declared one way streets to pave way for the rehabilitation and repair works.

Mayor Celso Lobregat has issued 3 executive orders rerouting traffic and naming the said roads as one way streets to efficiently and effectively address the traffic situation in the said areas.

Executive Order CL 315-2010 reroutes traffic and names Gov. Ramos Avenue a one way street from its junction with Saavedra St., Sta. Maria to its junction with San Roque main road for the duration of the rehabilitation/ reconstruction of damaged paved road along Gov. Ramos Avenue, for all six-wheeler, ten-wheeler trucks and all container trucks.

The order took effect Wednesday, March 17, 2010 until the project is completed.

Executive Order CL 316-2010 issued on March 15, 2010 reroutes traffic and names Don Alfaro St. in Tetuan a one way street from its junction with Veterans avenue and Gov. Alvarez St. to its junction with Estrada Street, for 30 days for the duration of the rehabilitation/ reconstruction of damaged paved road along Don Alfaro Street.

The order takes effect today, March 19, 2010 until the project is completed.

On the other hand, Executive Order CL 318-2010 issued March 16, 2010 reroutes traffic and names Cabato Road in Tetuan a one way street from its junction with Veterans Avenue extension, to its junction with Maria Clara Lobregat Highway, for the duration of the rehabilitation/ reconstruction of damaged paved road along Cabato Road. The order also takes effect today, March 19, 2010 until the project is completed.

The three projects are part of the infrastructures programmed by the city government and are now ongoing. All projects are concreting of road and would entail the breaking of existing concrete pavement, removal and consequent reblocking of the pavement.

The issuance of the executive orders is based on recommendations from the City Administrator’s Office.

The City Police Traffic section in cooperation with the City’s Traffic Aides is tasked to strictly implement the directives in order to efficiently and effectively address the traffic situation.

Copies of the mayor’s executive orders have been furnished to the concerned agencies and offices such as the city police office and its traffic section, the barangay councils concerned, the traffic enforcement team of the city and others concerned. (Sheila Covarrubias)